20th February 2024

8 Glass Home Improvements to Give Your Space a Refresh

With the new year fully underway, now is the time that people often start thinking about giving their home a bit of an update. From small room makeovers to whole house renovations, changes bring about a fresh feel. Home improvements are attractive to most of us because they provide the chance to feel like we’re in a familiar space with a new aesthetic appeal.

When going down the route of home improvements, glass can be an excellent material for upgrading aspects of your house or flat. Many elements can be replaced with glass not just for style points, but for maintenance and property value reasons too. 

Let’s discover some of the most popular home improvements centred around glass, and what they can bring to your living spaces.

1. Glass balconies

Whether a walk-on or a Juliet, balconies are a popular choice and an eye-catching addition to the home. If you already have a balcony, why not consider updating it with glass balustrades? They let in extra light, are safe and shatter-proof, and are easy to clean. 

A simple glass balustrade across your Juliet balcony adds a sleek and modern touch. For projecting balconies, glass panels give the illusion of extra size. Finishing your balcony with glass is a popular home improvement step and a fantastic alternative to old wood and metal railings. Glass panelling around your balcony is also an investment that can increase the value of your home. This is down not only to its timeless style but also to its simple maintenance and upkeep. Metal rusts and wood splits, whereas glass lasts year after year, an attractive pull to new buyers.

2. Glass staircases

Replace old wooden railings with glass balustrades lining your stairways and landings. This will create the illusion of space in typically smaller areas of the house and lets light stream through where it couldn’t before.

Like balcony balustrades, glass panelling for staircases is easy to maintain. Just a quick spritz with glass cleaner and a wipe with a cloth and it’ll look good as new. These sorts of simple upgrades make great home improvements that continue to give back in both style and ease of maintenance.  

3. Glass shelves, cabinets and tables

Glass furniture and features make for great focal points in the home. For a modern and minimalist look, try replacing old wooden shelves with glass shelving. Again, they are easier to clean than more traditional materials, and don’t show as much wear and tear. 

Glass cabinets add a unique touch to any room. Whether it’s coloured panels for kitchen cabinets or a transparent unit to display special trinkets or books, cabinets made of glass are a great way to take your space to a new level in style.

A beautiful blend of timeless style and modern finishes, glass tables are a fantastic addition to any living area. Be it the dining table, your bedside tables or the coffee table, when made of glass they allow light to pass through or reflect off, making the room lighter and more spacious.   

4. Glass shower enclosures

Who doesn’t love a luxurious shower? To update your bathroom to stunning hotel levels, replace your old shower with a glass enclosure. Whether you choose sliding doors or a seamless enclosure, upgrading your shower to glass is a fantastic home improvement that adds value and style.

5. Glass splashbacks

Great for the present and an investment for the future, bathroom and kitchen splashbacks make cleaning easy and home value increase. No more cooking splatters staining your walls or toothpaste all over the place, with glass splashbacks your chores will be over in half the time and your rooms will look new and improved.

6. Lead light windows and stained glass

These stunning traditional windows are perfect for those who love a classic touch of style. Stained glass with lead lining is beautiful and can be an incredible feature for your home. Replace small windows with this bright and colourful glass, or use it in your front door to welcome guests warmly. 

7. Skylights

Are you planning a loft conversion? Not only does this add an entirely new space to your home, but also greatly increases its value. To let in light, consider getting skylights installed on the roof.

Velux windows are a brilliant way to maximise the room with natural light. These are home improvements that won’t be overlooked by future buyers.

8. Bespoke mirrors

An easy home improvement feature, mirrors give the illusion of space, are practical and look fantastic. Mirrors are an affordable step in giving your home an upgrade, with endless designs on the market to suit your style.

With glass suppliers like Norwich Glass Company, you can get entirely bespoke mirrors for your home in any shape and size, emphasising your interior design while giving the room more light and the concept of extra space. 

An investment in glass

Not only is glass a stylish, long-lasting and easily maintained material, but when used in home improvements, it adds incredible value. Whether you tackle just one room or the whole home, you will be left with a refreshed and renovated space and an increase in the overall property value. 

At Norwich Glass Company, we are ready to help you with your glass home improvements. We have a team of industry experts to design, cut to size and install your glass upgrades and replacements to help you see your home in a whole new light.

Use our simple online form to enquire. Send us an email at info@norwich-glass.co.uk, or give us a call at 01603 431409 to discuss how we can help you achieve your home improvement dreams.

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